Lucilla's Rome Dress -- Gladiator

The under chiton is made of off-white silk shantung with white lace trim from Trim Fabric along the neck and sleeves. The chiton is a very simple shape and is made large in order to create those wrinkles you see. Leave the sleeves unclosed but hem them or create a facing for the top and fasten them with frogs or clasps. I used some simple silver colored clasps, three down each arm. The ribbon is acetate satin ribbon about 2 1/2 inches wide which I dyed with RIT. It may be a little too wide. It takes 8 yards of ribbon to go around me. You can see how I tied the sash here: Lucilla's Sash.

Both of my wraps are long rectangles of silk dupioni. The darker wrap is 2 3/4 yards of copper/black dupioni from Denver Fabrics and is edged with a piece of gold and black trim. The main wrap is "curry" dupioni from It's almost the perfect color! It's trimmed in a piece for the edge I bought from Trim Fabric which I dyed gold. And I added 14 paisley appliques I picked up on ebay from Heritage Trading. They are spaced about every 18 inches.

I bought sandals at Target to go with the outfit. We never really see her sandals, so I just wanted something Roman feeling. I've had some fun with Sculpey for this costume. It's providing my D-ring, which is covered in gold foil. And I've finished my laurel diadem. It's 16-gage wire with painted Sculpey leaves around 2/3 of it held by an extra piece of clay on the inside. The necklace is not quite right, but not too bad. It's a lakh necklace from eBay. The earrings are from eBay, as well. My father's hobby of fixing up old watches sent him on a quest for a watch I could wear with this outfit. He came up with this great breacelet watch.