Jocelyn's Felted Coat -- A Knight's Tale

I started this costume from the hat down because without the hat the whole thing just isn't right. The hat I had to draft completely from scratch, but after many many tries I finally got it. Here are my pattern pieces.
The coat itself is based off pattern Butterick 4688. I used view B and stole a two-part sleeve from another pattern. I drafted panels for the lower part of the coat. I had to open the neckline and rework the sleeves to make the bells sit right.
I used winter white wool twill from Waetcher's Silk Shop and washed it in hot water to give it a felted texture. I lined it with habotai which I dyed with Wine RIT. Unfortulately the lining has a tendency to run when wet, which I discovered after destroying my hat, soon to be replaced. I also dip-dyed the bottom of the skirt in wine RIT. It is not dark enough, and I would probably add some scarlet next time I tried it.
The embroidery is a combination of hand embroidery on the dogs and sleeves and a close zig-zag stitch on the machine for all of the straight lines. I think it worked pretty well.
I wore this costume at Dragon*Con this year, but still consider it a work-in-progress. The lining is not in well and the whole coat needs some interfacing. I also have some horsehair braid to add to the hem so it will stand out more. I plan to add hooks and eyes to close it and I will have a white underdress for it.