Lucilla's Red Dress
Promotional Pictures


A very beautiful costume. A red one-shoulder dress with purple strips of grossgrain ribbon crossing the front and 9 red gems at the places they cross. Very similar in style to her Blue and Silver costume except this one is belted just below the bust. The same diagonal pleats appear above the bust, though here they seem to be box-pleats. Gold trimming along the right side running all the way down the skirt hint that it is a wrap dress, with the front panel crossing over a layer underneath. Some sort of fringe crosses the left shoulder, but I have no idea what it is connected to. Is the stola similar to the one she wears with her blue and silver costume but with the bulk of the wrap crossing in front of her chest, istead? Worn with a darker red silk wrap with gold embroidery toward the bottom. It is worn with a gold laurel diadem. There are at least two laurel diadems as they were on display together at FIDM.
This dress was on display at FIDM in 2001. Note that this dress was exhibited with a different pair of earrings than the one which was worn with it in the movie. This is the only picture of the full length of the dress and stola I have seen. The fringe over one shoulder has changed shoulders; it now appears on the right shoulder. It looks like the stola may be lined in gold.